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elections, valasztas, alegeri

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I will briefly reflect on the situation perceived by me after this session of campaigns, in Romanian on the general framework and in Hungarian on the RMDSZ and Tokes situation. This impressionist analysis will be followed by my bets and a party in Club Midi. Yes, again. Boring, I know, but quality is an attraciton.

1. Problematica acestei campanii electorale a fost una foarte simpla: dezinteresul, respectiv distanta electoratului fata de problemele care ar fi trebuit sa influenteze agenda politica. Intamplarile din Roma si Italia au impus o noua tema pe agenda publica, care a fost dezbatuta partial, si anumite partide au incercat sa beneficieze de aceste aspecte (exemplu: PRM, luarea de pozitie si vizita lui C. V. Tudor in Italia, respectiv vizita Tariceanu, contrata dur de afirmatiile lui Cioroianu).

ProTv, Antena 1 a discutat despre alegeri doar la stiri, fara emisiuni special dedicate evenimentelor din 25 Noiembrie. Nu au luat parte nici la campaniile de informare despre temele aferente scrutinului care urmeaza (Parlamentul European si Votul Uninominal). Aceasta decizie a fost luata pe baza unor indicatori de piata (rating), mai precis, discutiile despre PE sau VU nu au avut potential de a atrage telespectatori. Pe anumite posturi de nisa (Realitatea TV, Antena 3, Antena 2) unele emisiuni au si disparut, si s-a declarat public: noi suntem televiziuni private, si emisiunile nu faceau rating. Toate acestea sunt informatii care ma intaresc in a afirma: nu exista interes.

Postul public a avut a campanie de informare pe ambele teme, nu la ora de maxima audienta, dar totusi la orele in care exista telespectatori. Existau emisiuni informative despre structurile europene, dar impreuna cu (,) candidati. Totodata, am putut urmari emisiuni despre VU, cu expertii din acest domeniu (cu o apartenenta politica explicita) si cu reprezentatii partidelor politice, in functie de pozitia lor, pro sau contra.

Pe Antena 3, emisiunile erau focalizate pe a ne convinge ca nu va exista prezenta necesara la referendum si la EP, iar mai mult, s-a incercat demonstrarea faptului ca (,) conglomeratele politice in PE sunt foarte similare cu partidele din Romania, iar reprezentatii partidelor din Romania nu vor fi in stare sa modeleze deciziile din aceste grupari. S-a insistat pe tema “Mailat-Italia” si greselile facute de catre parlamentarii PD. S-au prezentat sondaje favorabile Partidului Conservator, si s-a discutat cum castiga dl Voiculescu prin afirmatiile legate de impunerea limbii romane si lupta impotriva UDMR. Atacuri au fost lansate in fiecare directie, intarind mesajul principal: nu va exista interes, nu exista interes fata de Europa, care oricum nu e asa de buna, cum ne gandim noi.

La Realitatea TV am urmarit quizuri si prezentari de canditati, care au fost dezbatute la dl Andrei Gheorghe, si a avut un efect pozitiv asupra candidatilor. Acestia au fost mai atenti la orice act pe care l-au facut in emisiune, si-au perfectionat mesajul si outlookul. Pe acest post, exceptie Robert Turcescu, grila de seara era ocupata de emisiuni legate de campania EP, iar dupa-masa s-a discutat mai mult despre uninominal. Tot asa, acest post l-a avut pe dl Basescu ca invitat de cele mai multe ori.

Un exemplu mai interesant a fost B1TV, mai precis emisiunea cu un rating destul de bun, Nasul, cu Radu Moraru. 3 zile din discutiile legate de politica au fost dominate de analiza unui interviu al dlui Basescu in aceasta emisiune, respectiv deontologia profesionala. Dupa acesta, a inceput o campanie de 2 saptamani, prin care s-a cerut demisia mai multor parlamentari din cauza problemelor legate de chiriile cerute. Acest demers a fost unul foarte interesant si socant in acelas timp, dar trebuie sa observam, ca era un element de campani pentru DA la uninominal, din cauza alegerii momentului. Daca ne gandim la flyerul cu dl Basescu si matura de 322, aceasta serie de emisiuni se potriveste superb.

Pozitiile adoptate in campanie erau usor de inteles, dl Basescu se lupta cu TVR, cu mogulii si cu Parlamentarii corupti (a se vedea discutia despre modificare Codului Penal), iar ceilalti nu au facut nimic. Mai mult, dl Geoana a avut o declaratie publica in data de 18 noiembrie, prin care a precizat ca v-a vota cu DA la referendum.

2. In legatura cu alegeri:

Sunt absolut convins, ca PNL si PD are de castigat doar daca ne uitam pe tematica alegerilor. Are un bazin electoral cu un grad de educatie mai ridicata, populatie urbana, unde sursele de informare si expunerea la informatii sunt mai diverse si mai ridicate. PSD-ul se confrunta cu trei probleme: au un bazin electoral din mediul rural, cu alta structura de “media consumption”, aceste alegeri nu vin la 4 ani si nu au granzii, ca Iliescu sau Nastase, iar noua garnitura din conducerea PSD este o initiativa endogena (decisa la nivel de partid), a mai pierdut un referendum si nu are brandul necesar pentru a mobiliza. Totodata, PSD nu a dat “pomana electoral”, deoarece nu a avut de unde!

Campaniile clasice (banerre, scrisori) au functionat mai slabut decat la alegerile parlamentare, deoarece bugetele alocate erau mai reduse. Dl Stolojan a fost omniprezent, iar PD aproape ca nu a facut campanie. Nu existau meetinguri cu (,) care ne-am obisnuit. Cateva panouri cu afise care functioneaza bine doar pe calculator, nu outdoor. Parca si GMP-ul si-a pierdut creativitatea, parca toata lumea s-a linistit: stim care vor fi rezultatele.

Numarul de sondaje aparute a fost mult mai redus, oricum, in septembrie-octombrie ni s-a demonstrat, ca acestea sunt influentate politic.

A fost o campanie, din care lipsea efortul, efortul de a manipula, parca era un part-time job. Cu o asemenea abordare nu ne putem mira, ca prezenta la vot va fi una mai redusa. Urmeaza sa vedem cine va fi avantajat de acest fapt. Evident, partidele care au mobilizat mai bine sau au un electorat disciplinat, care actioneaza la comanda.

3. A magyar kerdes (avagy, harom a magyar kerdes):

Roviden es velosen. Tokes Laszlorol akkor hallottam, ha az RMDSZ atvett valamit, es tagadott vagy visszatamadott. Tokes Laszlot nem lattam, Frundaval minden tele volt. Lehet nem vagyok a targetben, de impulzusmentes volt ez a kampany, de nagyon. Amint azt mar megbeszeltuk Csomival regebben, talan strategiai tervezes hianya ez. Strategia szervezese is. Az RMDSZ-nek helyzeti elonye is volt termesztesen, amit ki is hasznalt. Mennyire etikus vagy mennyire eredmenyes, azt majd eldontjuk es majd meglatjuk. Negativ kampany volt, mindig is hittem benne, hogy egy hulyeseg azt mondani, hogy nem lesz. Vonatkoztatunk, es azt akarjuk, hogy a valaszto is vonatkoztasson, igy dontson. Termeszetesen belpolitikai es ontologiai kerdesekrol folytak a pseudovitak, nem Europarol. Holnap eldol, hogy mennyire helyes az a metodologia, amikor azt merjuk fel, egy szemely onmagaban hol all egy infrastrukturaval rendelkezo part ellen.

Az, hogy az utolso heten az RMDSZ retorikajaban is nyitott a tobbi kisebbseg fele, az mashonnan valo szavazatnyeresi celokat mutat. Hogy mi valtotta ezt ki, majd megtudjuk.

4. So, the bets:

PE Elections: 37 %

Referendum: 32,7 %

(it follows the analysis why the differences and who gained something and who lost)

PD: 39 %

PSD: 18%

PNL: 13,2%

UDMR: 5,2 %

Tokes: 0,7 %

Just bets. Nothing else. Comments and some election bonuses, tomorrow in the evening, after the exit polls (not a mistake, a joke).

P.S: Still hesitating, what does it mean a NO vote on the referendum ;)


Written by zoller

November 24, 2007 at 5:57 pm

Posted in ...politics...

too sventastic

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POLITICS: nothing new, referendum. It is an excellent way to fuck up a basically good thing, but in order to be there and campaign for the Democratic Party everything is cool. But now, it is official. I wonder how many common topics there will be? None, of course.

FOOTBALL: yeah right, beating Sevilla. Right right. And maybe Arsenal, at home. Which Arsenal? The one that beat the crap out of Praga (7-0). Hahahaahaaaaaa, as Mr JIJI would say.

F1: Raikonnen rules, Mclaren sucks balls!

Extra: two little tubes, where the electro genius is “clean” cut, no drugs, no drinking, no making out with men (Richie Hawtin, who is bf of Dj Magda, and Sven has wife, children [or as Bush would say, childrens] and mushrooms). But still, the music is music! And this one could not be embedded!

P.S. maybe some find some resemblance with the inner circle. Ouu Ouu Ouu.


Written by zoller

October 24, 2007 at 2:06 pm

mappas a lemondas

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2003-2004-ben azon csodalkozott mindenki, hogy megis mivel rendelkezik az akkor PUR, mostani PC, hogy ennyi helyet kap a PSD kozoslistan. Foleg a PSD tagok csodalkoztak rajta, de az uzlet majdnem osszejott. Mivel, a csere targya az egy kis adasido volt. Azaz, a ket meghatarozo felixtv (amibol mostmar harom lett), kemenyen nyomta a PSD propagandat, de a mocsok deontologia nem engedte meg, hogy nehany ottdolgozo elemzo es ujsagiro megiscsak TB-t tamogassa.

Ugyanezen a felix3-an lathattuk a tegnapi beszelgetosmusorban, hogy megis mi a heyzet a remiszto, mondhatni remes, mezogazdasagi miniszterrel. Nem nagyon van mit mondani, egyet kell ertenem Bogdan Teodorescuval, aki egyre ritkabban szerepel ami azt jelenti van uj kliense es mar nem vadaszik, hogy extrapolalnunk kell, azaz ez a kis TVR reality show, ami hasonlitott arra amikor Katka leszopta Frenk-t valamelyik ValoVilagban. Nagyon nagy szivas ez, azert is mert igy adtak le, meg azert is ami benne volt.

Megis mi a halalt lehet ezen kommentalni? Semmit, mivel tiszta. Es csak 15000 Euro? Felhaborito! Egy rendesebb kisautot nem kap erte az ember, es ezt most nagyon tudom, mert anyukam mar regota keresi az idealis kisautot, igaz kicsit olcsobban. De csak azert, mert mi nem tudjuk a holnaputani 180as vagy 146os nyero szamokat. Es miert ott, egy kavezon? Nem beszelek a sajat diakjaimrol sem olyan helyen ami nem biztonsagos, a sajat barataimmal, nemhogy penzt vegyek el toluk!

Muresan Muresan, hetfo este szabadkozott a felix3an, mivel most PNL es PSD tamogato tv lett, hiszen vegulis a PC halott es halott is lesz. Es tegnap, a musor elott felve ultem le, hogy micsoda vedes lesz itt megint. Hat nem lett, sot, kicsit sertodottnek tuntek a kedves musorvezetok/resztvevok: egyszeruen ugy ereztek, kemenyen atbasztak oket. Ezek tenyleg elhittek, hogy nem saros senki. Pedig igen, nagyon nagyon igen. Es ezert ereztek magukat atbaszva a ratingen tulra.

Hogyan jutottak el? Kitol? Nem szamit, mivel nem valtoztat azon, hogy olyan eljarasi hiba, amely eseten normalis orszagban sajnos szabadlabon tavozi a vadlott, megha az OJ Samson is. Es az, hogy a 7 oras hirek, legnagyobb nezettseggel a protv utan, az a musor, ahol nem kerdeznek a nezok, hanem befogadnak, mindenfele, kabelen es antennan, az csak hangsulyozza a manipulaciot. Mint a szakkonyvekben, csak most idezni nem akarnek.

Sasu megnyilvanulasa eleg gyengus volt, az ilyen menjen valahova egy 3 alkalmazottas tejgyarba adminisztralni, ne egy televiziohoz. Es a PSD embere, ami azt jelenti, hogy meg politikai tamogatasa is van. Ugy setal az informacio keresztul a PSD emberein, lasd Maior, ahogy azt senki el sem kepzeli. Es nevettem, mert utana MBadea, azert elmondta, hogy o 6 elott kapott egy smst, hogy lemegy a kazetta a tvr1en. Pe surse! Es a TVR elnoke azt mereszeli mondani nekem, hogy gyulesen volt es nem tudja mi tortent. Es attol en meg azert utalnam tovan rodica culcert, az ulcert!

Mindez jo, lemondtunk, mert kertek, nem mert olyan bator ember lenne valaki, de megis: milyen part/kormany/ember az aki 3 napig annyit sem boffent el, hogy ciki? hol vannak a tanacsadok, a kriziskommunikaciobol doktoralt strategak? mert nagyon nem latszik, hogy dolgoztak volna.

A kovetkeztetesek:

A nyilvanos kivegzes a legjobb kivegzes. Delutan 3kor le kellett volna mondjon Remes, amikor kijott az unios jelentes. Szoval mar ket oka is lett volna ennek a trogernek, hogy huzzon mar vegre vissza a sztoikus kurva anyjaba, a barlangjaba. Es, mint irtam, mindegy hogy kerult ki, ez egy into jel lehet azert tovabbra is: igen, mindenki korrupt, es mindekirol megvannak a bizonyitekok, es igen en DNA azt csinalok es akkor amikor akarok. Es ha ez igy van, es ez az erodemonstracio megtortent, nincs mitol felnunk, jo kezekben vagyunk immar, orokre!


Written by zoller

October 11, 2007 at 10:59 am

Posted in ...politics...

fuu de izgi, nedves a bugyim

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Igen, bizalmatlansagi nedvesseg ez, de mar fel is szaradt, mert nem csuszott be. Nem lett csontszaraz, mert jon egy koltsegvetesi torveny is, de biztosan nem lesz ekkora szexualis energia benne, mert az lenne az igazan fontos.

Tavol alljon tolem, hogy rajongjak ezert a kormanyert, mivel darabokra szedve tele van dilettansokkal, es azert van meg, mert letezik egy koztarsasagi elnok es egy DNA, nem masert.

Hogy mi lesz a PSD-ben? Ki a halalt erdekel, ha nem kaptak meg a szavazatomat, az nem volt veletlen es, hogy nem kapjak meg erdeklodesemet, az sem veletlen. Ha normalis part lenne, hullananak a fejek. Nem erdekel kie, de mostmar azert kellenek azok a fejek. Ok nyujtottak be, ok is megfigyeltek a szavazatokat es ok nem veszik tudomasul, hogy mandatul imerativ este nul.

Mindenki jol jart: a kormany marad, es nem fikazta senki. Az az erdekes, hogy vegig a bizalmatlansagi inditvanyrol volt szo, de nem a kormanyt szidtak, hanem a targyalasokrol beszelt mindenki. Ezert nyert igazan sokat ez a kormany. Nonsense, de ez van, mivel nem tartalmi dolgokat vitatnak meg, ami nyilvanvalo volt akkor amikor a PD es PLD bejelentette, hogy meg fogja szavazni az inditvanyt, mindegy az, hogy kit fikaz.

Es nem a szemelyekrol van szo, hanem az ugynevezett politikai projektrol: egy baloldali tamadas (ami jogos is lenne tartalmilag) egy jobboldali projekt ellen. Azaz, azt a bizonyos DA programot, amit tovabbvitt a T2-es is (nem veletlen a hasonlat a terminator 2-vel, lasd Robert Patcrick), azt akartak megdonteni. Azt, amit a PD is irt, es miutan kivagtak oket a kormanybol, ket hetig bizonygattak, hogy ok tobbet irtak abba a programba, az az oveke inkabb. Ezek utan vigan szavaznak, es senki sem kerdez senkit, mert nem igazan fontos. Tisztan emlekszem, azt mondtak, hogy csak Varujan irogatott abba a projektbe.

Es ami maradt, azok az alternativak, amikrol senki nem fog tovabb beszelni. Oriasbulikormany, ami nincs, hogy mukodjon, PD kormany, ami nincs, hogy mukodjon,
mert egyikre sincs garancia es foleg, megis milyen kormanyprogram alapjan, mondja mar meg valaki?

Kar, hogy ki kell dobni a sok papirt amin rengeteget dolgozott Videanu es Blaga, a kovetkezo kormany programja. Sic!

Mindenki rovidtavu tervek helyett strategiat kovetel. Hehe, sturkturat is bele!

Amit viszont varok, meg ma este TB beszedet es egy kellemes kis referendumot uninominalra, mivel megint a mocsok megvasarolhato, helyuket felto oligarh kepviselok nem voltak kepesek az orszagert szavazni. Es egy PSD-s bojkottot varok, azaz, hogy nem szavaz meg semmit, amit a kormany hoz.

Aztan meg coki!


Written by zoller

October 3, 2007 at 5:16 pm

Posted in ...politics...

cyanide strikes back no. 1 feat. Dan Mercea

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Written by zoller

September 18, 2007 at 12:58 pm

update on the pensions and aggressiveness

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One day and eleven hours and the last Harry Potter book will be released. Personally, I think J.K. Rowling will not kill Harry, because she lacks the “cohones”, although the reasons declared by herself (she kills Harry in order to block any further continuing possibility, for others) were consistent and serious. This event and the domestic politics are strongly linked. I will expose this briefly and then present some updates on the situation regarding the pensions.


…not the most recent…

Cast – will be easier for those who read the books or watched the movies:

On the bright side (I assume all the connotations):

Harry Potter – Traian Basescu

Ron Weasly – Theodor Stolojan

Hermione Granger – Monica Macovei (although, considering some sexual tensions between Harry and Hermione, maybe Elena Udrea would be a good choice as well, but Hermione does well in magic).

Albus Dumbledore – Gabriel Liiceanu

Remus Lupin – Gheorghe Flutur

Sirius Black – Emil Boc

On the dark side, the Death Eater Oligarchs:

Voldemort – Dan Voiculescu (it could be Calin-Popescu Tariceanu as well, considering the hatred. But if we think of the resemblance between the Horcruxes and the Antenas [TV], the choice is obvious).

Severus Snape – Calin-Popescu Tariceanu (although other traitors are available as well).

Lucius Malfoy – Mircea Geoana (a bit of a “prostanac”).

Peter Pettigrew – Ion Iliescu (a rat).

Beatrix Lestrange – Norica Nicolai

Just for the record:

1. Mr. Cosmin Gusa could play almost all of these roles.

2. No UDMR/RMDSZ member is in the list, because: they do not have any important tasks, they are the classic/compulsory Afro-American guest star in the movies (according to Scary Movie). The reasons are similar too.

And now about the pension law, just a few points:

1. I was wrong, the law was promulgated yesterday. The press declaration afterwards was shocking, because I did not understand the logical approach. The past 3 weeks of argumentation was as follows: I will promulgate the law if I see the resources (TB), I won’t be a partner in this demagogy (TB), We do not have the money (TB), A report on education (TB) –> yesterday: I promulgated the law, as I had promised, but I did not see the resources (TB), We have money, I found it, but the government did not (TB), They are all stupid (TB). This is why I was wrong, I thought there is a consequence of your declarations.

2. Why? 1. Good team worked and studied. Not promulgating the law now, would have caused serious electoral loss. In the last 2 weeks Mr. Basescu lost a few percents. So it was highly recommended to sign the law. 2. Constitutional problem: you, as a President, can not hold the law for years to sign. 3. If resent to the Parliament nothing changes – they vote and then it’s a must. And your image as President would be weaken again, because you are vulnerable to the Parliament (although on the long run this could have been an argument for a presidential republic…sic!).

3. The letter sent from the two ministers was a joke. We all know. They responded as the President asked.

4. It is a matter of institutions that we trust: the data supplied for the ministers is from the Romanian Institute of Prognosis. Mr. President uses other data. There are differences. Everyday, we have institutional crisis. Now, who do we trust? What data? Makes me sick!


1. It is more than sad that a debate on pensions and “leftist” policies and gifts has still the biggest impact. The first time when the President lost, could lose and acted not to lose. Nothing put him in this position. It is a very sad conclusion that still this populist shit “let’s give money” stinks the most! Strategic planning my ass!

2. About 2009 nobody talks, just a bit. Why? Because in the 2008 campaign PNL will present the data and will claim that they made this possible for 2009 as well. If you say it now, nobody will remember. Anyway, nobody remembers it!

3. As I mentioned the “s” word, I will wash off this shit, here:





17 days in Greece – hail for the noTV, noNET- Photos from here.

OFF TOPIC: Just yesterday, 650 prospective students filled in the application forms for “our” faculty. Charlie and the degree factory. Europe sells, stupidity comes…watch out! Sheeeeiiiiieeeett, as Senator Clay Davis said. A man that represents this whole post.


Written by zoller

July 19, 2007 at 1:42 pm

re-tired from everything…suspicios comment on the effects of the pseudo-new pension law

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Preliminary considerations:

1. I am absolutely convinced that the actual amount of the pensions is very low, creating impossible living conditions for the pensioners.

2. I consider it doleful the setting of this debate. A public-media debate that turns out to be a war of online and televised declarations.

3. Even those who know me just a bit, can guarantee a Budapest-Toronto distance between me and PSD (the Romanian Social Democrat Party), which is mostly expressed by curse words, pejorative jokes and mental puking.

4. Although I consider myself a liberal (or libertarian) I am not a member or a truthful voter of PNL (the Romanian Liberal Party).

5. The actual context is campaign. The results of the elections for the European Parliament will be the first real and consistent input for the political parties (and their consultants). Although, it is not a priority for the parties, it is just an exercise. Moreover, not only the actual context is campaign – the whole context is campaign. The “competition” among some institutions and political parties and the enhanced media coverage (not only the political parties order surveys, but the TVs as well – make them public, comment and benchmark) led to an at least dihotomical public discourse focused on the election of present opinions and declarations.

Materials used: Interviews, Declarations and Press Releases from both (or not just both) sides.

Background information: too much to describe. Several changes in positions. Several changes of the proposal and several funding opportunities. Check always the latest, because there is the biggest gap. I think it is enough to say that the liberal party is fighting side by side with the social-democrats to give a raise that will be called by the President, who is still bluffing, and introducing in the public sphere another change: after dealing with communism, oligarchs it is time to change the paradigm of policymaking – a responsible and calculated policymaking should be the approach.


1. We are discussing the wrong question: it is not a question of resource availability, it is a question of resource allocation and redistribution. Financial resources are available, but the sturcture for it to be presented is impossible to elaborate. The prognosis and visionary budgetary planning for 4 years is unavailable, and the President knows this.

As an interesting fact: the proposal was under the hands of Stefan Deaconu, not the hands of Bujor-Bogdan Teodoroiu. These names maybe aren’t that important, but maybe they are: so the Presidency held the proposal for 2 days at the Constitutional Committee, not the Economic and Social Policy Committee. This fact shows that the Presidency was interested to find constitutional errors in the document. The further economic analysis will probably come when all the requested documents arrive.

2. No one mentions the positive effects of the flat tax rate and the reduction of obligatory payments. Everybody takes as given.

3. The fight is for the votes of the pensioners, but it is obvious that this needs a construction, not 37.5%. PSD has this construction, so this party will gain the most from it. PNL shouldn’t do such things and shouldn’t gain electoral capital from this segment of voters. And shouldn’t vote and promote laws together with PSD in order to serve segments that are not a priority for them. I do understand that another unpopular step would kill this government, maybe the healthiest thing that could happen to PNL.

4. The positioning of the President as a great promoter of the education, as a partner and a decision-maker FOR education is a false one. It does not imply that other parties do not do this, at least to a similar extent. It was a very well conceived tactic in order to get 1-2% from the liberal party, because a classical liberal voter would say: why pensions? education is better…and PNL does not represent me in this decision. Who does?

5. The characteristics of the public discourses on this topic need a special positioning. The PM does not have this. He is rich, well dressed and more than 60% of the content of any declaration given by him is about development strategies and economic growth, not about social-democrat measures. And this is normal. PNL does not have any representative for the more leftist liberal approach.

6. It is an excellent communicational behavior towards the European Union (the Commission). A responsible President who stops giving campaign benefits once and for all (sic!).

Personal hunches (but mostly sureness):

1. PD had this proposition and law prepared for the period right before the campaign in 2008. Proposing the increased pensions from opposition, creating an image confusion and in case of incapacity to implement –> further punches on the government (if there was a PD legislative proposal the argumentation would be as follows: in the context of economic growth, how come there are no funds???) and absorbing voters from PSD.

2. The delay of the promulgation is a campaign activity, trying to postpone it somewhere ’till September. This way, it will be a political capital. PSD and PNL wanted to have the first effects directly in September, on the “paychecks” of the pensioners. But a late promulgation would hold the headlines for 1 week in an essential campaign period, where the President (and its party) will make a very good balance, promoting the enhancements given by this decision. Although, PSD (through the voice of Cristian Diaconescu) confirmed that on an eventual redirection to the Parliament, they will convoke an extraordinary session and in that day, the proposal will be sent back to the Presidency. This may undercut the efforts of gaining rapid and timely political capital for the President.

3. I am more than 90% sure that formal errors will be discovered in the documents requested, to have an official cover for the approach described in the 2nd point of this “chapter”.

But everything is fine, activity is booming.


Written by zoller

July 11, 2007 at 11:51 am

yes, yes…of course, yes yes…

with 3 comments


Induljunk ki egy analogiabol, ami talan kicsit eroltetett: egy pornosztart annak alapjan itelnek meg, hogy mekkora a szerszam, mikor es mi jon ki belole, mennyire jo a celzas es persze mindez hanyszor mukodik. Ha holgyrol van szo, akkor termesztesen szamit a test, a fej, a haj, a vulgaris szokincs, a befogadokepesseg es a beleeles. Van egy rendezo, es rengeteg utomunka.

Egy kulugyminisztert nem a cerkaja alapjan itelnek meg, nem is a mellei alapjan.

Ez megis ugy sult el, mint egy rossz pornoszinesz. Azert, mert ezelott 2 honappal tele voltak a hirek, h kulugyminiszterunk borszasztoan lapatolt, hogy talalkozzon Miss Rice-al. Nem sikerult, kirugtak egy szovivot, mert veletlenul elkopte a bakit, aztan kiderult megsem minden ugy volt ahogy volt. De ez beteljesitette.

Ez tenyleg a szuzesseg elvesztese. Miss Rice, mint egy tapasztalt konzumholgy, megkerdezi az edes kisfiut: “ez lesz az elso?” “igen, igen…” Utana pedig nagy igeneket nyog, akkor is, amikor nem kellene, es 1 perc utan elmegy, raadasul meg is koszoni.

A hasonlatokat es a vicceket felreteve, azt sem tudta mire bologat, azt sem tudta, hogy kell ulni es azt sem tudta mikor szabad es mikor nem szabad kozbevagni. Meggyozodesem, hogy azt sem tudta mi tortent Samarraban. Szerintem azt sem tudta, hogy hol van. Kis Sarkozy ez a Csorojanu. Miss Rice nyomta a Bushpropagandat, mert o tudta mi fan terem a dugas kamerak elott, es van befogadokepessege rendesen.

A transcript itt olvashato, a video itt lathato, es ugyanezen oldalon meg lehet nezni, mas kulugyminiszter, hogy viselkedik egy forgatason.

John Holmes forogna a sirjaban!


Written by zoller

June 15, 2007 at 2:54 pm

Posted in ...politics...

vajon kinek az otlete volt eloszor?

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a tyuk vagy a liberalis uni-nomi-nal?

mert az en blogom meg nem annyira eros, hogy mindenfele videokat is betegyek.


Written by zoller

May 28, 2007 at 2:09 pm

Posted in ...politics...